This week we discuss the nostalgia-fueled Nintendo frenzy of the film 8-Bit Christmas! Inspired in part by A Christmas Story, the film tells the tale of young Jake, a kid like any other in 1988 who just wanted a Nintendo Entertainment System for Christmas.
As you can imagine, this week's podcast is going to be wall-to-wall Video Game Chat. We understand if that might not be your cup of tea, but as three fans of video games ourselves, we each have firsthand experience with being a kid in the thrall of Nintendo's 8-bit charms. This could not be any more For Us if it tried. And yet, this is a film very much NOT For Us. Go figure.
Anyway, we'll dig into why this film's sense of nostalgia may be a bit askew, and why the most prominent NES game featured is, of all things, "Rampage". Buckle up, because it's about to get nerdy. Good luck, have fun!
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